
This is a news aggregation blog created in Australia to promote full spectrum dialog in the public interest. Its content includes links to media items offering diverse and alternative perspectives relating to organized biological or behavioral intervention.

In some instances, it could be asserted that enforced health programs are not to treat disease per se, but instead to fortify a population’s waning natural immunity caused by ever-increasing air pollution, industrial chemicals, technological radiation and the general imposition of artificial lifestyles.

The question then arises as to would it not be preferable to deal with these debilitating factors directly instead of pursuing an economics-weighted agenda that undermines freedom of choice and subjects humanity to a range of ad hoc measures the outcomes of which remain largely unknown.

The information available on or through this website is not fact checked or endorsed by the publisher. The reader is advised to rely upon their own inquiries, subject to the guidance of recognized authorities and licensed health professionals.

Help support free speech and exchange of information by sharing these pages with interested persons. Articles published online come and go, so over time expect the occasional inactive link. If this occurs, try pasting its worded title into your browser’s search bar.

On Pause

With changing times, we are moving on to other projects. This week’s post linked above is our last for the foreseeable future. The team at Bio-Tyranny would like to express their appreciation for your interest and support. This website, including all existing content, will remain online for some time as a resource and public record.

There is now no shortage of independent news on the “emergency” of 2020-22, and what is yet to come. We trust that socially engaged persons can build upon what we have offered, and remain aware of the emerging threats to our freedom of choice and basic human rights.

Finally, thank you to everyone who assisted us during past years by sending in links for inclusion in the newsletter. Stay informed. Stay free.

Bio-Tyranny Team – Australia

“Without freedom of choice there is no creativity. Without creativity there is no life.” – Dr. Benjamin Spock